Tag Archives: turneraudio.com.au

Patrick Turner Tribute

Those in the vacuum tube/valve amplifier game, particularly in Australia, will probably have heard of Patrick Turner. His site turneraudio.com.au was full of information and an often-cited reference for many, written in a style and with a humour that was uniquely Patrick’s.

Many projects were presented, with background information, theory and construction information all tightly jammed in together. The man was a goldmine of information and his knowledge was guru-level.

I had some conversations with Patrick in 2018/19. During that time, he implored me to take a copy of his site, as he was not sure how long he had left, being elderly and in poor health. This was a subject he wrote about on his site as lucidly as though it was a broken radio that needed diagnosing and fixing!

Patrick died in May 2021; his site is offline now.

In tribute to Patrick and his rich legacy of work, I’ve put up the scrape I did of his site with no changes whatsoever

turneraudio.com.au tribute mirror site

Note, As time passes, links on Patrick’s site may go stale.